Chapter 2…Page 26

Day 26

Z is for Zorro!

     Tonight, the Alphabet project officially ends…we’ve reached the end of the alphabet.  I struggled with the letters “Y” and “Z”.  I had no idea what I would do for either of them.  After having to go to the drawing board twice, we finally settled on light painting the letter “Z” like the legendary Zorro.  Of course the #1 Daughter had no idea who Zorro was, so she had a little fictional history lesson tonight.

    We had a lot of fun creating this image.  She hung in there with me from beginning (looking up how to do light painting on Youtube) to end (actually painting with the flashlight and my iPhone flashlight app).  I am holding the cell phone painting the letter Z.  She is holding a flashlight just playing around with the light.

I can tell that I am changing.  Normally, I would be so bent out of shape that I couldn’t blog day by day, but I have let go of that outcome and just adding my thoughts and images because it is ok that I couldn’t do it as I’ve always done.  (at least that’s what I’m telling myself) 🙂

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